Profile: R&D in industry 4.0

From industrial and embedded networks...

In the framework of the master internship, I have been initiated in scientific research by joining the Research Centre for Automatic control in Nancy (CRAN). My first researches have focused on the performance analysis of real-time protocols, in particular Ethernet-based solutions. This work was conducted in collaboration with a compagny which manufactures wire and tube bending machines. It constitutes my first R&D experience in embedded networks (motion control).

After that, my PhD research focus on the use of switched Ethernet embedded in the future space launchers. A partnership with the national french space agency (CNES) allowed to define the specific requirements of the embedded communication system. This work dealt with time performance evaluation, the network availability and the control state observability from the network. The objective is to highligth the use of standard Ethernet based on components-on-the-shelf can satisfy (space) requirements.

As in many R&D project, it is essential to increase the technology readiness level for integrating a novel technology in a final system. For this purpose, I develop an experimental test bench : from the study (plane, quotation, ...) to its installation (configuration, tests, ...). This work was conducted after my PhD, as contract researcher in CRAN.

To the industry 4.0

Currently, as research assistant in University of Luxembourg, and more precisely in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), I'm mainly working on heterogenous data communication challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT). The implementation of messaging services and high-level data formats is therefore needed.

In the framework of the H2020 european project bIoTope (Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects), we have taken an interest in the standards promoted by The Open Group: Open Messaging Interface (O-MI) and Open Data Format (O-DF), which enable the publication, consumption and composition of heterogeneous information sources in an opened and standardised manner. Several proofs-of-concept (from the data publication to the data consumption by different applications) have already been developed. In addition, we are also interested in the establishment of a data market-place (accessible online: IoTBnB) to put data sellers and buyers into relation (with data monetisation).

In the framework of a partnership with Cebi Luxembourg S.A., we focus on the use of standards suitable for the Industry, such as OPC-UA or MQTT, to systematically collect and expose production data from the various machines. Those data will be analysed by Machine Learning algorithms so as to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness, that is a performance metric of the production. In a long-term vision, the objective is to make the factory autonomous. However, several years will be needed to upgrade all the machines, in particular at the group scale.
In the press: SnT: , Paperjam (in french): and Chronicle :

Scientific and technical publications

2009 - 2020 Review:

  • 11 international journals
  • 20 international conferences with peer review
  • 1 national conference with peer review
  • 3 conferences without peer review
  • 10 research reports

  • Publications on Hal 2009 - 2015

    Publications on my page


    Teaching at Université de Lorraine :

  • Pre-bachelor level: DUT Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle
  • Bachelor level: Licence Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur - EEA, Licence Professionnelle Automatique & Informatique Industrielle - SARI et Licence Professionnelle Automatisme, Instrumentation et Conduite des Procédés
  • Master level: Master Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes

  • Distribution of the total volume of teaching hours (563 h on March 22, 2015) per level:

    Number of teaching hours per teaching unit:

    Details on courses per diploma:

    DUT Génie Electrique & Informatique Industrielle
    UE Name Description
    ARS3 Network
  • To understand industrial networks concept (data transmission, type of frames ...)
  • Application on many commercial networks (e.g Profibus-DP and Modbus)
  • MC-ARS21 Field network Deepening of ARS3
  • To be able to install, configure and use field network
  • To understand the distributed automation system/li>
  • Application son many commercial networks (Profibus, Asi, EtherCAT) : from the physical layer to the application layer (wiring, ASIC circuits,communication mode, Grafcet application with software/hardware PLC, ...)
  • MC-ARS22 Industrial Ethernet
  • To understand how use Ethernet as industrial solution
  • Application with the use of Modbus/TCP. Frame monitoring (via Wireshark) highlight encapsulation mechanism, communication mode, addressing, ...
  • Licence Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur - EEA
    UE Name Description
    UFD418 Network Network introduction (TCP/IP stack and information encoding)
    UFD618 Wireless communications Wireless technologies (Wifi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, ...) : encoding/modulation, norms, propagation, ...
    UFD638 High-bandwith networks, security and industrial networks Industrial networks (Asi, Profibus-DP, Ethernet industriel). Mechanism of transport layer: packet switching (UDP, TCP, flow control, congestion control) and circuit switching (ATM, MPLS). Security(DMZ, ACL, Radius/TACACS+, VPN,...)
    Licence Professionnelle Automatique & Informatique Industrielle - SARI
    UE Intitulé Description
    RCI Networks and industrial communications
  • To understand how work/use industrial networks
  • Application on many industrial networks like Profibus/DP, Modbus/TCP, Applicom server, EtherCAT...
  • RI1 Operation and maintenance of the networks.
  • To be able to handle and maintain a network
  • Study of the physical layer. Servers installation/configuration. Network traffic analysis. Network installation/configuration.
  • RI2 Architecture and control of distributed systems To be able to analyse, understand and design distributed control system
    Master Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes
    UE Intitulé Description
    7U06 Communication protocols Networking protocols in OSI model
    8U06 Internet architectures Role of Internet players. IP addressing. Routing (Bellman-Ford, Dijstra, BGP,...). Transport protocols (UDP and TCP). Methodology to design a sustainable communication network.
    8U32 Real-time network From fielbuses (Profibus, Modbus, CAN) to industrial and embedded Ethernet-based solutions (EtherCAT, Profinet, AFDX, ...). High-availability solutions (PRP, MRP, ...). Time synchronisation (PTP) ...
    9U33 Design of sustainable architectures Network design - network management, network storage (datacenter), green IT, SLA